Depot Day Festival on September 25, 2021!
Depot Day, a Festival in downtown Flora, Indiana.
In and around the Flora Depot and the adjacent Flora Parking Lot.
Enjoy Music, Food, Beer and Wine Tent, Contests, Games, Fun for Kids and Adults! Ride the Boiler Maker Express, The Trackless Train or a Model-T!!!
The Depot Day Festival will be held Saturday,
September XX, 2021
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m in
​Flora, Indiana.
This festival celebrates and supports the

Volunteer to help at Depot Days!
Things we need help with are:
Set up: Cleaning and moving the tables and trash cans to the street.
​Clean up after he festival: When the festival is over at 5 p.m., we need help with tear down.
Helping with activities:
The cake walk
The bouncy house
The souvenir stand
Bake a cake or other treat and donate it for the Cake Walk.​
What time can you be there and how long can you stay? We'll give you a job!
Volunteering is fun! Great way for high school students to get those important volunteer hours!