Ford Model T's
​There will be Ford Model T automobiles on hand for display and for touring! Vehicles will be available noon-5 p.m.
Your donation for a ride will be appreciated. All donations benefit the Flora Depot Restoration Project

Boilermaker Special
The Purdue Boilermaker Special will arrive at 11:00 a.m.
and whistle it's way home at 2:30 p.m.
Your donation for a ride
benefits the Flora Depot Restoration Project.

Trackless Train Rides
Ride a Trackless Train. Boarding at the Flora Depot all day!
Your donation for a ride benefits the Flora Depot Restoration Project.

Model Trains
Cintrack Model Train Club will set up a fantastic N Gauge layout inside the Flora Depot.
Your donation helps support the Flora Depot Restoration Project.
![]() Coloring ContestRailroad Coloring Contest for Kids! ​Kids! Stop in the Flora Depot and color a railroad-themed page. ​There will be a cash prize for first, second, and third place in the different age groups. | ![]() Hobo One-Dish ContestWhat's your favorite one-dish meal? A Hobo Dish is defined as a one-pot or baking dish meal: casserole, skillet, soup,etc. Judging will be based on points in the following categories: * Recipe * Originality * Presentation * Eye Appeal * Smell * Taste Recipes must accompany the entry. Cooks' names are not revealed until after the judging. | ![]() Cutest Little "Toot" baby COntestWho's the Cutest Little Toot in town? Children age 3 years and under may be entered. Decorate a lidded container, with a slot in the lid (like a coffee can). Include your child's picture and any other information you would like (name, age, etc.). Put a slip of paper with your name and contact info inside the can. |
Activities at the festival may include:
Bouncy House, Flora Rotary Club
Big Bubble Pool, Bill's Clock Shop
Temporary tattoos and hula hoop contest, Flora Psi Iota Xi
Unicorn pictures with Jana Rouhier Photography
Cakewalks throughout the day
Photo booth cutouts for selfies, Wheeler Funeral Home
Free popcorn and beanbag toss, First Farmers Bank
Sidewalk chalk at the Depot
Schedule (subject to change)
11:00 a.m. Opening ceremonies, Depot Queen and King Crowned
12:00 p.m. Cake Walk
1:00 p.m. Dedication of the Little Free Library in memory of Stan Cronk.
1:30 p.m. Cake Walk
2:15 p.m. Cake Walk
3:00 p.m. Jay Pullen
3:45 p.m. Cake Walk
4:30 p.m. Contest Winners announced
5:00 p.m. Festival closes